
  • 1 Feb 2025 9:10 AM
    Message # 13457721

    Hello out there!

    My question is what time of year is it best to thin out poplars?

    thanks for yer time,

  • 10 Feb 2025 12:17 PM
    Reply # 13461268 on 13457721
    Olyvia Foster (Administrator)

    Hello Craig,

    The foresters on our team say it really depends on your goals.

    Winter is the best time for wood products and regrowth. The least amount of moisture in the wood and sugars are stored in the root systems, allowing for vigorous growth from stumps and roots the next growing season.

    Thinning would need to factor in shade intolerance of poplars and create larger canopy gaps to provide enough sunlight for regenerating poplar.

    Mid-late summer is another option if you are thinning poplars to promote later successional species such as white pine by creating canopy gaps. Summer cut poplar will have a less vigorous sprouting response.  

    We encourage landowners to bring in a forester to help you make the right decisions for your site and goals. 

Ontario Woodlot Association

10 Campus Dr., Unit 4

Kemptville, Ontario

K0G 1J0

Phone: 613-713-1525
Email: info@ontariowoodlot.com

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