10:00 am - 10:10 am: Welcome and Introductions (Hullett Work Centre/Office)
10:10 am – 12:00 pm: Woodlot Management 101 – A Comprehensive Overview
12:00 pm – 12:45 pm: Lunch (provided by the Friends of Hullett)
12:45 pm – 1:00 pm: Travel to field site for regeneration assessments
1:00 pm – 2:00 pm: Field Exercise: Regeneration Assessments in a recently harvested area (Is regeneration on target? What should we plan for future silvicultural treatments?
2:00 pm Adjourn
Cost: Free
Ontario Woodlot Association
10 Campus Dr., Unit 4
Kemptville, Ontario
K0G 1J0
Phone: 613-713-1525 Email:
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