Elgin Middlesex Woodlot Owners’ Association
Annual General Meeting Saturday, 18 March 2023
Lambeth United Church Hall 4268 Colonel Talbot Rd, London (Lambeth)
At the intersection of HWY 2 & 4
Open to members and the public at no charge.
AGM Agenda
12:00 PM
Meet and Greet. Register. View displays and talk to your chapter directors and other members. Fill out a Door Prize ticket.
1:00 PM
Greetings and Introductions
Business Meeting:
Treasurer’s Report
President’s Report
Revised Constitution
Election of Officers
Other business
1:40 PM
“Trees, Prairies and Wetlands: Restoration on Marginal Wetlands” Peter Moddle, Program Coordinator, Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Middlesex.
2:20 PM
Coffee Break
2:35 PM
“Habitat Restoration opportunities on Marginal Farmland” Darrell Randell, retired Conservation Specialist, Ducks Unlimited Canada.
3:10 PM
“Managing a Woodlot with Draft Horses” Ken Laing, Orchard Hill Farm, Fruit Ridge Line, Elgin County.
3:30 PM
“Middlesex Report” Mark Brown, Woodlands Conservation Officer, Middlesex
“Elgin Report” Jeff Lawrence, Elgin Tree Commissioner, Elgin
3:50 PM
Members’ Forum TBA: The forum is open to any member wishing to make a short presentation on any woodland-related topic. Please contact Stan if you are interested in making a presentation.
4:10 PM
Door Prizes and Wrap Up
Please feel free to contact anyone on the executive for more details. Stan Caveney, President, stanleycaveney@gmail.com, 519 472 6103; Ron Casier, Past President, ronjcasier@gmail.com, 519 318 5279; Ron Drabick, Treasurer, ron.drabick@hotmail.com, 519 671 3649; Director Greg Greer (Elgin), gwg.resources@on.aibn.com, 519 644 0791; Director Gary Austin (Middlesex), tundra@amtelecom.net, 519 773 5224; Director Ken Laing (Elgin), kmlaing@orchardhillfarm.ca, 519 775 2670 (Elgin).