A Bioregional Approach to Regenerating Our Land and Water
Thursday, February 2, 9:30-11:30 am, virtual Zoom session For: Staff managing the stewardship of large landscapes like Rouge National Urban Park and other local parks and forests, conservation areas, the Greenbelt
This session will shift the way you think about landscapes, their interrelationships, and their role in planetary systems. How can we take a bigger systemic approach to stewardship that can multiply meaningful impact across land areas from the very small to the very large? How can we more deeply engage the public in regenerative practices? If you register and are unable to attend, you will have special access to a recording. Click here for more info and registration.
Ontario Woodlot Association
10 Campus Dr., Unit 4
Kemptville, Ontario
K0G 1J0
Phone: 613-713-1525 Email: info@ontariowoodlot.com
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