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About the Bancroft-Haliburton Chapter

The Bancroft OWA Chapter began in 1996, with the help of the Bancroft Area Stewardship Council.  The Chapter grew and accumulated other landowners, mill operators and some harvesting contractors. In 2002, rather than primarily harvesting, the Chapter's emphasis shifted more towards woodlot health, sustainability and maintenance, wildlife habitat protection, recreation and nature appreciation. Its AGM has a variety of speakers and displays, with good media coverage. The Chapter became involved in the maintenance of a local MNR white pine seed orchard. It provides annual financial support to various initiatives including student awards for both the local Northern Outdoor Studies program and the Northern Environmental Research and Development Studies program at North Hastings High School, and to the Bancroft Field Naturalists organization for some of their educational programs. Chapter woodlot tours and educational sessions cover topics from tree diseases to maple syrup production to sustainable harvesting practices and chainsaw safety. In the Spring of 2020 the Bancroft Chapter changed its geographical area to include Haliburton. Encompassing a large area of privately owned forests, a variety of topographical terrain with an abundance of wildlife, water features and wetlands. The Bancroft-Halburton Chapter includes woodlot owners from Haliburton County, Hastings County, Apsley, Kinmount, Dorset and Barrys Bay areas but is open to any woodlot owner. The Chapter is active on social media.  

Executive Board

Chair: Jody Peters

Past  Chair: Fred Werner

Secretary-Provincial Rep: Colleen Baehre

Communications: Barbara Szita-Knight

Board Members: 

Ralph Baehre

Eric Knight

Ontario Woodlot Association

10 Campus Dr., Unit 4

Kemptville, Ontario

K0G 1J0

Phone: 613-713-1525
Email: info@ontariowoodlot.com

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